July 12, Silicon Valley Women & Cnetwork summer relaxing picnic
Location: Ortega Park at Sunnyvale 636 Harrow way, Sunnyvale, CA
When: Saturday, July 12, 12:00pm
Summer is great for outdoor picnics. Cnetwork and
SVWomen would like to invite you for a summer relaxing
picnic in the heart of Silicon Valley. Come and join us at Ortega Park. The picnic area is at
the east side of the park.
Please register at: http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/2003_summer_picnic
And check back for updates/discussions at: http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=6&t_id=56
Food: Chinese foods, fruits, drinks etc. Activities: lunch and social, basketball, volleyball
and other sports, games etc. Bring whatever sport gears with you. We will also have some games such as
riddles. Cost: $10/person, $5 if under 10 yr. Contact: Moses Wang at d41515, landian
Hi all, just want to let you know we had a wonderful picnic the past Saturday.
Thanks everyone who came and had fun! We had 80+ CNetwork and SVWomen members and friends. The weather was wonderful too.
The picnic started with many main dishes and 3-4 difference rice/noddle dishes. People sat and stood around, chatted with old and new friends. Some also played riddles games and won prizes.
After lunch people spreaded out, some still try to solve the remaining riddles. Some set up the volleyball net and started the game. Some went to shoot basketballs. Some sat around under trees and chat away. Some played the favourite poker games. There were also freesbies, kites and other sports going on.
That was yet another relaxing and successful picnic event hosted by CNetwork and SVWomen. Let’s thank all the volunteers, SVWomen and Cnetwork committee members who made it happen! See you all next time!
Some Photo:
7/19/2003 NCCAF Ceremony Grand March
Dear members,
SVWomen is welcoming participants and volunteers for the upcoming NCCAF Ceremony Grand March. NCCAF (Northern California Chinese Athletic Federation) is holding a grand ceremony on Saturday, July 19th. SVWomen will participate in the Ceremony Grand March. The march will be like the ones in the opening ceremony of major sports events, with all groups entering the stadium in order and lining up. We will have our own team in the march with our own flag and banner. We welcome all our members and their friends to join us participating in the march along with our athletes.
The march will be done by lunchtime, so you can have the afternoon free or watch the soccer, tennis, volleyball,
basketball finals, or track & field games in the afternoon at the same place there. Please come and join us.
The more the merrier. Show your support and the strength of our group! Please contact feiwen99@yahoo.com
if you want to come.
There will also be volunteering opportunities for the event. If you are already there for the grand march, why don’t
be a volunteer! Uniform and lunch will be provided for all volunteers. Please contact feiwen99@yahoo.com
for more information ASAP.
Date: Saturday, July 19th, 2003
Time: 8:30am (march participants, please come at 8am)
Place: James Logan High School, Union City
1800 H. Street
Union City, CA 94587
(look for SVWomen flag)
SCEA & SVWomen: “七夕情人节舞会-Chinese Valentine Day Dance Party” Sat. 8/2
古代的秦观在他的《鹊桥仙》诗句里描述了爱情的追求与向往, 你是否也期待着
同样的期待? 今年的七夕,硅谷工程师协会和硅谷女性相约,共同举办“七夕
跳出现代罗曼提克的旋律。这个晚上, 也请有伴侣的朋友身着伴侣服装,舞会
当天我们将有“最佳情侣装”评选, 女生的“难得有有缘人”,还有男生的
“Mission Impossible” 活动!得奖者会有SCEA和SVWOMEN赠送的小礼物,或捐赠
This event is specially sponsored by a message from 1088.com:
In Chinese Valentines day, send flowers to your loved ones in China from . 1088.com is an
on-line store for Chinese movies and music, calling cards, and fresh flower delivery in major cities
of Mainland China. We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices. To celebrate
Chinese Valentines Day, we are running a special promotion on flower delivery in China from
now to August 4, 2003.
Date: 星期六, Saturday, 8/2/2003
7:50pm – 8:50pm Free Dance Lesson
9:00pm – 1:00am七夕情人节舞会 party
Place: Premier Ballroom Dance Studio
4181 Cushing Parkway, Fremont
舞曲: ~70% Ballroom , ~30% Disco
服装要求: 正式/半正式
女性: $5
其他: $10
非成员: $11
Take I-880, exit on Fremont BLVD. Premier Ballroom is in a mall very close to the exit. Be
aware there are two Fremont exits on I-880! Please do not park your car in front of the
GoodNight Inn. You can park in all other spaces including McDonald’s.
Online map:
8/10/2003 星座血型讨论会( Horoscope & Blood Type Discussion)
When: Sunday 8/10/2003, 2pm —
Location: Lost Altos Library–138 Main Street, Los Altos, 94022
跟上司处不好关系? 与同事朋友闹别扭? 最好搞清对方的星座血型噢。
诸如此类,欲知详情,请来注册SVWomen 举办的“星座血型讨论会”:
{{a href=http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/horoscope081003}}http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/horoscope081003{{/a}}
2003 08 16 Ruby 的美容秘诀
硅谷女性美容讲座(Silicon Valley Women Beauty Seminar)
你想让自己更美丽健康吗?硅谷女性联合名星大舞厅举办「女生美美教室」 美
容讲座特约活动, 教你如何在炎炎的夏日中保持亮丽、白皙的肌肤。
名星舞厅 Ruby 表示: “将亲自教授如何以自然的方式美白、防皱,使皮肤保持
己动手做 (D.I.Y.),材料简单、经济,效果却是非凡。”
时间 Date : 八月十六日,星期六中午 12:30 -1:30
地址 Address: 4181 Cushing Pkwy, Fremont,取道 880 公路在 Fremont Blvd . South /
Cushing Pkwy 出口,麦当劳旁。
硅谷女性 MAILING LIST 成员特价〔Introduction Rate]:5 元 (须提前报名,截止
门口票价: $8元
报名: {{a href=http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/aug03beauty}}http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/aug03beauty{{/a}}
讨论: {{a href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=6&t_id=87}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=6&t_id=87{{/a}}
请自备以下材料 [Please bring the following materials] :
毛巾 Face towel
卸装水 Cleanser
化装水 Toner
润肤霜 Face lotion / cream
REPORT: 主持硅谷女性美容讲座的Ruby 虽年逾半百仍皮肤白皙,皱纹不显且身材窈窕。Ruby 的美容秘诀在于用厨房具备的纯天然材料 及长年累月的坚持不懈。她的美容秘诀现简介如下,当然纸上谈兵远不如现身说法。
- 一, 磨砂 Facial Scrub:去角质
- 砂糖+ 橄榄油敷面,轻轻按摩,眼眶及嘴唇部位避开,时间不要太长。可洗澡时涂身上按摩。
- 二,面膜 Beauty mask:防皱,润滑营养肌肤
- 橄榄油+ 少于10 滴柠檬汁 + 半勺蜂蜜+ 蛋黄 (中干性皮肤) / 蛋白(油性皮肤)
- 搅拌匀后敷面10-15 分钟,眼眶及唇上部位不涂,不说话无表情,宜晚上安静时,
看电视或泡澡时做,一周一次。可泡澡时涂身上,泡澡水不超过心脏,不多余20分钟。 - 做面膜时身体坐直,两臂伸开,转手,反转,防手臂肌肉松弛;往上抚摸脖子皮肤防皱纹。
- 三,收缩水/平衡水Toner :杀菌,收缩毛孔,使皮肤细腻。
- 四,乳液 Lotion:营养及补水;年纪大了用晚霜Cream。
- 面部涂液后按摩,1-6 额上划圈,额中往上,眼眶一来一去,脸颊往外,唇划圈上鼻子刮下。
勿重抹乳液,不利吸收,宁愿洗干脸,重来一次。 - 五,粉底液 Foundation:(五,六属于化妆,年龄越晚用越好,或只在特殊场合用)
- 六,蜜粉 Powder:拍上面部,而非抹上。
- 太阳是美白的天敌,开车时戴上帽子及袖套遮阳。防晒霜有油腻感且易使人长痘。
- 生孩子或更年期后皮肤上的色斑可多喝薏米粥来美白 (但怀孕中喝薏米粥易堕胎)。
- 压力使人长痘,不喝可乐,咖啡,少吃辣子;为防止眼袋出现,睡前不喝水。
- 洗发时先把护发素放手掌中揉稀后从头侧面往头顶揉擦,冲洗后再用洗发液如法揉搓,这样头顶不至受刺激太大。
- 走路时抬头收腹挺胸,睡觉不用枕头或用矮枕头,可使身姿挺拔,有舞者风范。
- Ruby早上喝一瓶水 (或部分果汁), 爱喝鸡汤,晚饭前吃一个水果,晚饭后刷牙和舌苔后便不想再多吃,所以不长赘肉。她平时爱跳舞,每天出汗泡澡,长年坚持她的美容多部曲。在她的言传身教下,连一岁的孙女都学会了抬起手来挡太阳。
- 听了讲座后,我现学现用,出远门玩时也戴上了大草帽和袖套开车,很管用。不知大夥儿有何心得,和我们一起分享吧。
九月十三日 硅谷女性的中秋舞会及夜游赏月活动
“相传远古时,大地有十个太阳,当时个太阳一起升空,烤焦了所有庄稼草木,人们生活非常困苦。玉帝特别派后羿下凡救助百姓,后羿用弓箭射下九个太阳,还除掉大地上的毒蛇猛兽,人们才得安居乐业。 不料,被射落九个的太阳皆是天帝之子,天帝便十分恼怒地将后羿和妻子嫦娥贬入凡间。西王母很同情羿的遭遇,就把长生不老药送给他,但嫦娥起了私心,一个人偷偷吞服,身体竟轻飘上天。然而,嫦娥怕到天庭会受到众仙取笑,只好奔往月亮,成了广寒宫主--月神娘娘。嫦娥奔月的当天,据说就是八月十五日,于是后人便在每年的八月十五日祭月。”
九月十三日那天,请先来晚八点开始的位于FREMONT明星大舞厅的舞会尽情劲舞,在夜间月正明星正亮的十一时半,再从明星的PARKING LOT CARPOOL去MISSION PEAK,我们会把车子停在半山的路边,去夜游赏月。想参加赏月活动的请带好暖和的衣物,可以走路的鞋子和手电筒类可照明之物。有兴趣的更可以准备中秋诗歌,在明月清风下朗诵一番,那该多美妙?
SVWomen: Middle Autumn Dance Party & Night Moon Watching Trip
DATE: Saturday, 9/13/2003
7:50pm – 8:50pm Free Dance Lesson
9:00pm – 1:00am Middle Autumn Dance Party
11:30pm: Night Moon Watching Trip
PLACE: Premier Ballroom Dance Studio, 4181 Cushing Parkway, Fremont
MUSIC: ~70% Ballroom , ~30% Disco
DRESS: holiday/party/semi-formal
SVWOMEN members & Their Guests:Ladies: $5 Gentlemen: $10
Others: $11
Moon Trip Details:
Time: 11:30 PM
Place: Carpool from Premier Ballroom Parking lot, Then go to Mission Peak
Bring: Warm cloth to change, Walking shoes, Flash Light, Picnic Blanket you can sit on, don’t forget to bring a heart to enjoy the night!
参加MOON TRIP的请报名:
{{a href=http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/2003moontrip}}http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/2003moontrip {{/a}}
{{a href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=6&t_id=101}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=6&t_id=101 {{/a}}
在夜间月正明星正亮的十一时半,明星的PARKING LOT集合夜游赏月人越聚越多,一会儿已经聚集了六七十人。大家换好暖和的衣物,可以走路的鞋子,带上手电筒类可照明之物就出发伊丽沙白湖边赏月。很快,赏月的车队到达湖边,组织者把预备好的毯子铺下来,就着亮亮的月光和静静的湖水,参与者开始玩成语接龙,笑话比赛,有关于中秋月的诗歌,成语竞赛各种丰富多彩的游戏。大家热烈的参与,期间欢声笑语不断,间或还有对美丽的诗歌的赞颂声。中秋诗歌,在明月清风下被朗诵出来,更增添了几许美妙。人群一直到深夜两点多才尽性的互道中秋快乐,慢慢的散去。
在 Newark Library Meeting Room 6300 Civic Terrace Ave. Newark, CA 94560
推出“亚洲女性职业讲座”特别节目,为女性职业发展作指导。详细情况请见网页{{a href=www.svwomen.org}}www.svwomen.org{{/a}}
九月二十号1:30pm-4:00pm “亚洲女性职业讲座”
Do you find there is a glass ceiling that prevents you from reaching your career goals? SVWomen presents the “Five Common Challenges Facing Asian Women in the U.S.” seminar to help you improve your communication skills, realize your potentials and become more successful in both workplace and social life.
SVWomen Career Seminar: Five Common Challenges Facing Asian Women in the U.S.
Speaker: Preston Ni, Professor of Speech Communication Department at Foothill College
Date/Time: Saturday, September 20th, 1:30pm-4:00pm
Location: Newark Library Meeting Room
6300 Civic Terrace Ave.
Newark, CA 94560
Map: {{a href=http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?ed=exOzRup_0To1_kTzSQmOrb2rcTz.7OWxq.x2pGXDyA–&csz=94560&country=us}}http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?ed=exOzRup_0To1_kTzSQmOrb2rcTz.7OWxq.x2pGXDyA–&csz=94560&country=us{{/a}}
Fee: $2
Contact: Jie Feng jie9t9
Discussions: {{a href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=6&t_id=102}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=6&t_id=102{{/a}}
{{a href=http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/career}}http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/career{{/a}}
Seminar Description
This seminar will address cultural differences, communication barriers, gender stereotypes, conflict resolution styles, and family responsibilities. A question and answer session will follow Professor Ni’s talk.
Preston Ni Biography
Preston Ni is a professor, consultant, trainer, and course designer in the areas of professional communication, cross-cultural understanding, and interpersonal effectiveness. Since 1990, thousands of participants have benefited from his dynamic and powerful courses. His list of clients range from Fortune 500 stalwarts Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Yahoo!, NEC, and Solectron, to individual professionals seeking to enhance their communication success.
Professor Ni holds a Master of Science Degree in Business Administration, and is full-professor of the Speech Communication Department at Foothill College in Silicon Valley, California. Recently he appeared twice on the television show “China Crosstalk”, and was featured on the KTSF evening news and the Sing Tao Daily.
Professor Ni is the author of “How to Communicate Effectively and Handle Difficult People” and “With Dignity and Honor: Understanding Racism, Unlearning Racism”. He is also the keynote speaker on the video program “Cross-Cultural Communication: East and West”, featured on the Business and Technology Network and the National Technological University Network. For more information on Professor Ni and his courses, workshops, and private consulting, write to pnspeaker@yahoo.com.

REPORT : The first SVWomen career seminar, “Five Common Challenges Facing Asian Women in the U.S.”, was very successful. There were twenty five people attended the seminar. Professor Ni’s speech was both informative and interesting. We learned not only the differences between our cultures and the American culture, but also practical tools that we can use to help improve our career and social lives. We received many positive feedbacks about the speech. To learn more about Professor Ni’s workshops, college courses, private consulting and books, please visit www.speechcoach.biz or contact pnspeaker.
National University of Singapore Entrepreneurs Association (NUSEA) MIXER
The National University of Singapore Entrepreneurs Association (NUSEA) would like to invite you to our upcoming Mixer event. It will be an evening where NUSEA members, our colleagues and friends come together to network, share ideas and engage in discussion with our keynote speakers over dinner.
- Event Details
- Date: 25 Sep 2003, Thursday
- Time: 6.00pm – 9.30pm (Registration starts 6.00pm)
- Venue: Hewlett Packard Auditorium, Palo Alto
- Building 20A
- 3000 Hanover Street
- Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185
- Theme: Venture opportunities in Southeast Asia
- Admission fee: $8.00 (pre-event registration period; ends Tues 23 Sep)
- $10.00 (register at the door)
- **dinner is included
Our speakers for the night are Vittal Kini (Director of Concept Platforms Lab, Intel Corp Corporate Technology Group), Farzad Naimi, (Founder/CEO/President, IQ Labs), and CheeTong Leow (Managing Director, GridNode). The three will leave you with new insights on the outlook of Southeast Asia as a place for startup and investment, and what that means for an entrepreneur. Our moderator for the night is David Meale (Managing Partner, Action International LLC, and Vice-President, Singapore American Business Ass! ociation).
Other guests will include people from start-ups and companies NUSEA members work in, academics and students from renowned universities like Stanford, Berkeley and Santa Clara, Silicon Valley working professionals, and some Asian-based interest groups. For more information and to RSVP, please visit the NUSEA website: {{a href=http://www.nusea.org/publication/publication.php?content=mixer2003sep}}http://www.nusea.org/publication/publication.php?content=mixer2003sep{{/a}}
Please RSVP by 1800 hrs on Tues, 23 September. We hope you will join us that night and look forward to meeting you during our Mixer.
Yours Sincerely,
Darius Cheung
NUSEA President
For enquiries, please contact:
Gladys Lee
NUSEA VP Public Relations
Head of Mixer Team Sep 03
Bay Area Chinese Moon Festival & National Day Celebration
The long anticipated Chinese Moon Festival and Chinese National Day celebration party of 2003 is coming! This annual event has become a tradition since the fall of 2000 and has met with great success.
Compared to previous years, this year’s festival (organized by the North California Chinese Alliance National Day Committee) will be bigger in scale and provide more excitement. Better yet, admission
is FREE!
Date: Sunday, Sept. 28, 2003
Time: 10 AM to 6PM
Place: Kennedy Community Park in Union City
Address: 1333 Decoto Rd, Union City, CA 94587
The North California Chinese Alliance National Day Committee comprises about 50 active Chinese organizations and community groups. The festival will commence with the raising of both the
Chinese and American flags, a symbolic illustration of the friendship between the two countries. Thereafter, an exciting collection of performances will be shown. You will enjoy various performances from traditional to modern by local groups and artists. Highlights will include a Kung Fu Martial Arts show, a dragon dance, a children’s singing contest, singing, dances and various sports events including volleyball. That’s not all! The event organizers are also inviting local retailers and restaurants. You’ll be able to enjoy a wide variety of attractions, souvenirs, foods and snacks.
The festival is ideal for friends and family, so come and have a great time together!
We feel gratitude to our sponsors for their generosity and support
to this event: UTStarcom (http://www.utstar.com)
Mr. Wang Zhengben Cybercalling.com (http://www.cybercalling.com/)
Wells Fargo Bank (http://www.wellsfargo.com/)
2003/10/31 SVWomen Halloween in the Castro Trip:
Want to check out the exciting Castro on Halloween? Come and join the SVWomen Halloween in the Castro Trip on the Hunted Night!
Date: 2003/10/31
Gather at Daly City’s bart station at 8:30 PM and take the 8:40 PM bart. Will arrive at 16 th & Mission street at 8:51 PM. Walk 6 blocks to the main stage and party. We can leave around 11:30. The latest bart will be departing 12:40 and 1:00. Bring cash for your bart ticket.
Discussions and more info:
Report By: LanDian
It was fun! Though (now totally agree with Sony2003) too much gathering points was not good idea and with that many pl u just can’t really gather pl. Lots interesting customs and the performance was laud and exciting..
I did a count and think we had about 14-15 pl departed from daly city together.. lost some pl (david’s group) after get to SF and we walked with the wrong crowd so became 11, once reached the first stage, while trying to gather with Ken’s group (Which ken and I both gave up when find out in reality it was just impossible at Market & 16) and these 11 pls disappearred in the millions pl crowd… Lucky that cells did still work and at least I was able to find pl who were in my car..
Lots picture perfect time.. Pl who has taken pictures, let’s all share them..
Discussions and pictures: