2003 Events 1H

January 18, 2003 Event: Bowling Night

Location: Homestead Lanes 20990 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA View Map
When: Saturday, January 18, 8:30pm
Phone: (408)-255-5700

Dear SVwomen Members & Friends:

Bored of raining weather and lack of outdoor activities?
SVwomen invites you to join a night of bowling and fun.
All levels are welcome!

Come out this Saturday, meet your fellow svwomen peers,
socialize or simply bowl!

Let’s meet by the counter at 8:30pm.
Please look for the SVWOMEN banner.

Evite Registration URL:

Seeing you all this Saturday!

— svwomen team

Saturday, February 8, Event: Game Night

Location: Leasing office Conf. Room 4355 Renaissance Drive, San Jose,
CA View Map
When: Saturday, February 8, 7:00pm to 10:00pm

Please use this link to reply!

Silicon Valley Women Game Night:

Finally our first Game Night is here! Let’s have one night of fun
playing cards, monolopy, and meet new friends. Feel free to bring
your faviourate board games. Soft drinks and snacks are provided by
the SVWomen hosts, please bring $1 to cover the cost.

The room is not that big, so we’d like to have you reply on evite so
that we wont’ go over board.

Since the room is in the locked leasing office, what we will do is
have someone right infront of the office building from 6:45-7:00 to
let people in. If you can’t make it before 7:00 please let us know so
that we can arrange something else.

Parking can be found in the complex, you can follow other cars to get
in and out. Also can find parking outside of the complex on the curb
side of the roads.

Hope to see you there!


March 18, 2003 miraculous success experiences of Mr. Li Xiaohua, a famous entrepreneur and philanthropist.

Co-organized by Silicon Valley Chinese Engineers Association (SCEA), North America Chinese Semiconductor Association (NACSA), Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professional Association (SAPA-West), and Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE-SFBA), ��Breakthrough from Ordinary, Fight for Glory�� is a 600 people grand seminar, featuring the miraculous success experiences of Mr. Li Xiaohua, a famous entrepreneur and philanthropist. This event will be extensively covered by all major media, and co-sponsored by numerous Chinese organizations.

Mr. Li is a World-renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist. He started his first company when studying in Japan. He successfully promoted 101 Hire Re-grower to the world, was named the ��Golden �Ctouch Businessman�� by news media then. For three consecutive years, he spoke at APEC, as the representative of best private enterprise. Mr. Annan, the Secretary General of UN, thinks him as ��An admirable Chinese!�� In 1998, Mr. Li was awarded the ��Ambassador for Peace�� medal by UN Science and Peace Committee. For five consecutive years, Mr. Li was selected as the ��Most Extraordinary and Richest Entrepreneur in China�� by Forbes.

Mr. Li Xiaohua will be invited from China to deliver this featured speech. He will tell his extraordinary experience in breaking-through from a poor background, successfully doing the first deal, making the right decision in critical moments, and finally reaching the ultimate success. Mr. Li will also reveal: how to capture business opportunities in China market and always keep leading advantage; how create a great brand, building sale channels; the secret of mastering the relationship networks in China; what are the correct business and personal principles; and, the dos and don��ts in starting a Chinese business. From his success, you will see the trace of evolution of China market economy, as well as the challenges to the West brought by future Chinese entrepreneurs. You will be encouraged to breakthrough from difficulties and thrive from failures.

In his great speech, Mr. Li will also show you:

The trend of survival and growth for private enterprise, after WTO;
How to startup based on oversea study and work experiences;
The opportunities, hot-spot and trend for starting-up in China;
Why helping the poor and contributing to the society.

We believe this fascinating speech will be spirit-lifting for people of all background in the SF Bay Area to breakout from the temporary difficult situations and fight for glory and future.

Via this great event, SCEA will formally announce its 2003 Entrepreneur Series, and NACSA will also reveal its plan in 2003.

Event Theme: Breakthrough from Ordinary, Fight for Glory

Date & Time: 1:30-4:30pm, Sunday, March 16, 2003

Venue: 2nd Floor theatre, Santa Clara Convention Center

Address: 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Cost: Free of charge, a public service to the Chinese community

Language: Chinese

We cordially appreciate the co-sponsorship from the following prestige sister organizations:

Major Chinese News Media and SINA.com

Chinese Entrepreneur Association *CEA);

Chinese Information and Network Association (CINA);

Chinese Institute of Engineers USA-SFBA Chapter (CEI-SF)

Cnetwork Organization;

Electro-optics Association (EOA-PSC)

Nankai Alumni Association �C SFBA (NAA-SFBA);

Huayuan Science and Technology Association (HSTA);

Silicon Valley Tsinghua Network (SVTN);

Silicon Valley Science and Technology Association (SVSTA)

SV Women;

SVC Wireless;

Tsinghua Alumni Association of Northern California (TAA-NC);

University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Association in Silicon Valley (USTCAA-SV).

March 9, 2003 SVWomen Hiking Event: Rancho San Antonio

Spring is here!!!! Let’s have some fun outdoors!!

WHAT: Hiking at Rancho San Antonio

WHEN: Sunday 3/9/2003 11:00 AM

DISTANCE: Approx. 5.5 miles/2.5 hours

RSVP: Please e-mail to jadez20032@yahoo.com . Cancel
if rains.

Or register at evite:

COST: No Parking fee.

DESCRIPTION: Welcome to Rancho San Antonio County
Park, one of Santa Clara County’s most popular parks http://www.bahiker.com/southbayhikes/ranchosa.html

You can find some description about the hiking
experience at this site:


CAR POOL: Parking is very limited at the park. Hence
we encourage car pool.

Meet at 10:30 AM in the parking lot of Palo Alto Bowl
(Please park in the parking lot at the back of the
building, and not in the front parking lot which
belongs to a restaurant). Palo Alto Bowl is located at
4329 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Please look for SVWOMEN Banner.

A detail trail map can be found at:


PLEASE BRING: Water, lunch/snacks, camera, and
sneakers/hiking shoes, raincoat.


From Highway 85, north or south, take the Interstate
280 exit to San Francisco. From Interstate 280, north
or south, take the Foothill Boulevard exit and proceed
south on Foothill Boulevard approximately .2 miles to
Cristo Rey Drive. Turn right on Cristo Rey Drive and
proceed .9 miles to the park entrance.

* Notice: This event is run by SVWomen

* Neither SVWomen Club nor the volunteer(s) assume any
liability for the event.



草绿了, 雨静了, 风暖了, 花开了, 阳光灿烂, 春天来了!

在阳春三月的日子里, “硅谷女性”将于本月三十日在加州硅谷中心的阳光谷举行首次户外野餐活动。 届时将有精心准备的各种美味家乡风味食物和各种绿草地上的户外游戏. 此外, 我们还邀请到”硅谷女性”之星戚洁给我们分享她成为星岛第一个封面佳丽的过程以及湾区知名女作家水菱为大家带来的《单身的交友与成长》的讨论! 

暖春, 美食佳肴, 天之骄子(女), 让我们走到户外来吧! 欢迎大家一起来分享这春天的欢愉, 一起度过一个快乐的周日午后!

时间: 二零零三年三月三十日星期天 中午十二时至下午四时
地点: Fair Oaks Park, Sunnyvale (540 N. Fair Oaks Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA)
1) 介绍”硅谷女性”之星 — 戚洁
2) 讨论聚会《单身的交友与成长》 :湾区知名作家水菱,届时她也将为我们一展歌喉
3) 各种绿地上的游戏 - 飞碟, 球类, 扑克 等

收费: $8 硅谷女性会员以及其家庭成员
$10 非会员 (非会员既时入会可有会员待遇)
$4 孩子 (12 岁以下)

如果你无法在网上报名或问题, 可电邮 svwomen@yahoo.com

硅谷女性联络电邮: svwomen@yahoo.com
硅谷女性参加方法: 加入《硅谷女性》通讯录成为会员:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/svwomen/


硅谷女性之星- 戚洁 – http://www.svwomen.org/star/qijie.htm or http://www.singtaousa.com/covergirl.html
芳龄二十二岁的加州州立大学希活分校(CSU-Hayward)学生戚洁击败众多候选佳丽,有幸成为生活周刊的首期封面佳丽。 戚洁多才多艺,从九岁开始就跟随父亲学习小提琴,曾担任过南阿拉米达青年交响乐团的首席小提琴手。她在艺术方面的修养与家庭薰陶分不开,其父是专业小提琴老师,拥有音乐教育和音乐演奏两个硕士学位,其母则是声乐老师。生长在这样一个充满艺术气息的家庭里,难怪培养出戚洁特有的艺术气质。除音乐之外,舞蹈也是戚洁的最爱,她还曾学过两年芭蕾舞。 性格开朗的戚洁喜欢看侦探小说和历史书籍,平时还喜欢和朋友一起看电影。另外,她还是个英式足球迷,这在篮球和美式足球迷一统天下的美国可不多见啊! 尽管美貌是得天独厚的条件,但戚洁并不认为拥有亮丽的外表就足够了,她希望将来成为一名职业女性,驰聘於商场之上。

湾区知名女作家水菱 -http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=1&t_id=283
湾区女作家水菱现居San Jose。创作包括小说,杂文,诗词,剧本等。她的作品以描写人性与感情细腻入微见长,主题涵盖华人在美生活感触;精神环境的挣扎。曾以小说<便当>获海华文学奖。且以下列著作:《宅门外的春天》,《外遇午餐》,《春天会再来 》获华侨文艺佳作著述奖。近作有《午妻》,《交换舞伴》。所有小说出版前皆曾在报上连载过,近期并改编剧本《春天会再来》。水菱曾任报章专栏“午后清泉”执笔人,主持过“水菱信箱”。水菱除了擅写作并擅长歌唱,作词与作曲。所作《寄情》词曲,曾获 北加州湾区音乐大赛《最佳词曲奖》第一名。

A group by the women, for the women

照片: http://www.svwomen.org/gallery/gallery.php?lib=20030330
Jie, XiaoDong, Y9Y, Lin, Shelley, Helen 等等。。。
当然还有我们的COMMITTEE MEMBERS 和所有义工的家属们和朋友们

2003-04-12 Hua Yuan 2003 Annual Conference

Bridging the Pacific: From Technology To Entrepreneurship

Some Update on Hua Yuan 2003 Annual Conference
As a token of appreciation, we are happy to announce the following
benefits to members of Hua Yuan and our co-sponsoring associations
regarding our upcoming annual conference “Bridging the Pacific: From Technology
To Entrepreneurship”:

  • Gift give-away, including evening program admissions, at the end of
    Day Program
  • $10 admission to students and unemployed
  • Hua Yuan member rates also apply to the members of our co-sponsoring

Also we’d love to remind you of the highlights of this year’s HYAC’03:

  • The morning keynote session featuring James Morgan, CEO of Applied
    Material and the longest-lasting CEO in tenure at Silicon Valley.
  • Great insights and perspectives from near 30 established business
    executives, successful entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and industry
    experts sitting in four panels.
  • Unbelievable networking opportunities with business elites and peers
  • Deep knowledge on opportunities in China, entrepreneurship, and
    industry outlooks

For ticket and other conference information:

Time: 9:30am-8:30pm, Saturday 4/12/2003
Location: Santa Clara Convention Center

Saturday, April 12, 2003 at Santa Clara Convention Center

(more info at http://www.huayuan.org/)

Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association 2003 Annual Conference
“Bridging the Pacific: From Technology To Entrepreneurship” will be
held on April 12, 2003 at Santa Clara.

China is changing at a revolutionary speed. Pushed by fast growing
industrial complex, aggressive efforts to attract foreign investments
and an undeniably ambitious population, China is on track to become
the next economic superpower. US businesses, large or small,
enthusiastically embrace the opportunities in China. Hua Yuan 2003
Annual Conference (HYAC’03) focuses on the growing business
activities between the United States and China and their impacts.
The emphases are opportunities in China, entrepreneurship, practical
lessons, and hi-tech industry outlooks from industrial leaders and
successful entrepreneurs.

HYAC’03 features James Morgan, CEO of Applied Material and highly
regarded industry veteran, as the keynote speaker. It also boasts a
strong lineup of established business executives and venture
capitalists as panelists. HYAC’03 provides unparalleled opportunities
to communicate face to face with top business executives from both
the United States and China. Interact with the industry elites who
are willing to share their success stories and lessons. Share
innovative ideas with peers who know both the east and the west.
Gain insight into solving your most pertinent business challenges.
HYAC’03 promises to be successful, spectacular, and matchless.
Please join us to experience such a great gathering.

Time: 9:30am-8:00pm, Saturday 4/12/2003
Location: Santa Clara Convention Center

————- Admission ————————————
(Ticket prices are higher at door than purchased in advance.)
Day + Evening Program
Executive Member General Member Non-member
Free $50 ($70 at door) $70 ($90 at door)

Day Program Only
Executive Member General Member Non-member
Free $10 ($15 at door) $20 ($30 at door)

—————— Conference Program ———————

Day Program

Morning: Keynote Session
9:30am Registration
10:00am President’s Remarks – Hong Chen, Chairman of GRIC Comm.
10:20am Keynote Speech – James Morgan
Chairman & CEO of Applied Materials
11:30am Lunch Break (lunch not included)

Afternoon: Panel Session

Track I. Entrepreneurship
1:00pm Panel I: Building Entrepreneurship:
Know-how from Successful Entrepreneurs
3:00pm Panel II: New Ventures in China: Hot or Not?

Track II: Opportunities and Outlooks
1:00pm Panel III: Outsourcing in China: Beyond the Low Cost?
3:00pm Panel IV: Outlook of Semiconductor Industry

Evening Program

5:00pm Cocktail/Networking Party ?hosted by Deloitte & Touche
6:30pm Dinner Banquet – conducted by Daniel Mao, CEO of Sina.com
7:00pm Keynote Speech – Yunxiang Wang, Consul General of P.R.China
7:15pm Keynote Panel Discussion
8:00pm End of Evening Program

Panel Speakers

  • Andy Lee (Chairman & CEO, ChinaTech Future Technology Corp.)
  • Frank Yang (Senior Vice President, Computer Associates)
  • Ping Wu (Co-founder and CEO, Spreadtrum Communications)
  • Feng Deng (Co-Founder & VP of Engineering, NetScreen Tech.)
  • Gerald Yin (VP, Applied Materials, Asia Sourcing and Procurement)
  • Shou-Cheng Zhang (Professor, Stanford University)
  • Lynn Liu (Co-Founder and CEO, Aicent)
  • Steve Chang (Co-Founder and CEO, Trend Micro)
  • Wayne Dai (Founder and Co-Chairman, Celestry)
  • John Yue (Vice President, TSMC North America)
  • Vinie Zhang (Vice President, Hitachi Venture Group)
  • David Chao (Managing General Partner, Doll Capital Management)
  • Venky Ganesan (GlobeSpan, formerly JAFCO)
  • Wu-Fu Chen (Acorn Campus)
  • Dan Ahn (Woodside Capital)
  • Robert Lee (CEO, Acheivo Corporation; Chairman, AAMA)
  • Shaoher Pan (President & CEO, XHP Microsystems)
  • David Lam (Chairman, David Lam Group; Founder, Lam Research)
  • And more to be confirmed!


2003-04-12 Whale Watching Trip


Gray whales migrate past Monterey coastline every winter and spring. Join us for a fun and exciting whale watching trip with the Monterey Bay Whale Watch http://www.montereybaywhalewatch.com.

Time: Saturday, April 12. The boat leaves at 10:00am and the trip is 3 hours long. Please be there between 9:30-9:45am.

Cost: $21 (a $6 off the regular price). Please bring cash (exact change) the day of the trip. No checks please.

Sighting: Almost 100%. Your next trip is free if you don’t see any whales.

Reservation: Required. Please reply by the end of Sunday, April 6, or as soon as possible. http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/whalewatch

Meeting Place & Direction:
Monterey Bay Whale Watch, Sam’s Fishing Fleet, 84 Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey, CA 93940, tel: 831-375-4658
US-101 South -> CA-156 West -> CA-1 South -> Exit on Del Monte Ave towards Pacific Grove (do not take the exit to Marina) -> turn right on Figueroa St -> turn left immediately to get into the parking lot ($5 per day parking) -> 10 minutes walk to the Monterey Bay Whale Watch (continue on Del Monte Ave, turn right on Fisherman’s Wharf)
More expensive parking is available at Fisherman’s Wharf parking lot, next to the marina (no walking needed). Follow the signs. It is a ticketed gate and you will pay when you leave.

Car Pool:
If you would like to car pool, meet at Cupertino village Ranch 99 (located at the corner of Wolf and Homesteading) at 7:55am. We will leave at 8:00am sharp. We suggest you pay $6 each to the driver to cover the gas and the parking fee. Please include in your response if you would like to car pool.

Check the Monterey Bay Whale Watch web site for details.

  • Wear warm clothes
  • Bring motion sickness medicines if you are seasick
  • Bring sunblock, sun glasses & hat
  • Bring drinking water, and lunch if you like
  • Bring camera if you like

If you would like to make any cancellation, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an email to jie9t9. We will cancel the trip due to bad weather condition or any other emergencies.

If you have any further questions, please contact Jie at jie9t9@yahoo.com

There is a risk of SARS when interacting with other people. All participants are required to sign a liability waiver form and a SARS symptom free form. SVWomen will not be responsible for any injury or property damage.


2003年4月30日 星岛中文电台"谈笑风生"节目

主持人祝笙于2003年4月30日下午1:45以现场直播的方式,在节目中采访了"硅谷女性"的创办人之一余雪女士.Singtao Chinese Radio Station ( FM 96.1) will interview “Silicon Valley Women” on 4/30/03 Singtao Chinese Radio Station (FM96.1) will interview “Silicon Valley Women” on Wednesday, 4/30/03 at 1:45pm about Mother’s Day event. Please listen in to the program on time if interested.



  • 祝笙:各位听众,大家好.欢迎您收听 “谈笑风生” 节目. 我是祝笙. 今天为大家邀请到的是”硅谷女性”协会的创办人余雪小姐来到我们节目当中, 介绍 “硅谷女性”最近主办的一个”母亲节”征文活动. 余雪你好.
  • 余雪:祝笙你好,各位听众朋友好.
  • 祝笙:我第一次听到你们这个团体叫”硅谷女性”.
  • 余雪:是的, 有许多人还没听说过我们这个组织.
  • 祝笙:听起来你们这个组织是不是特别强调”女权”的一个团体? (笑)
  • 余雪:(笑)没有吧?我可不可以先简单介绍一下我们”硅谷女性”成立的初衷和经过.
  • 祝笙:当然可以.
  • 余雪:那是在两年多前吧,当时硅谷地区经济形势很好,有很多华人在硅谷地区工作.当时硅谷地区的各类华人团体如雨后春笋般出现, 但是没有一个以女性为主, 特别是以职业女性为主要成员的活跃团体. 因此当时我和我的两位朋友就萌发了一个为硅谷地区的职业华人女性朋友提供一个属于自己的天地的想法.这是我们当时成立这个组织的初衷.
  • 祝笙:目前你们这个组织有多少成员了?
  • 余雪:今天我来电台前特意上网查了一下我们的记录.我们现在有近四百个会员.
  • 祝笙:哇.是吗? 真不错.那么这些成员大都是所谓的 “女强人” 吗? (笑)
  • 余雪:(笑)不是的,不要有误会.首先我们不是一个"女权"组织.其实我们的目的只是希望能给职业女性提供一个在工作之余属于自己的空间,分享各自的人生经验和生活感受.还有就是举办和参加一些跟女性有关的活动.就这么简单,并没有带有代表"女权运动"的意味.(笑)
  • 祝笙:那么是一些什么样的职业女性呢?
  • 余雪:嗯,各行各业的职业女性吧.但是因为硅谷地区本身高科技行业比较多的特点,所以有许多的成员都在高科技行业工作,比如工程师很多.但也不全是.比如说我自己,在公司里一直干的是采购主管的工作.所以,我们的成员并不都是工程师.各行各业的职业女性都有.
  • 祝笙:不过听到你们这个名字叫"硅谷女性",就会自然而然地想到,你们这个组织的成员是不是都是从大陆来的,或者说只接受从大陆来的朋友们呢?
  • 余雪:噢,不是的.是这样,我知道从台湾或者香港来的朋友都习惯称呼"矽谷",大陆的朋友则习惯称为"硅谷".正好我们几个创办人都是来自中国大陆,所以我们就习惯性地用了"硅谷"这两个字.但我们并没有刻意说要只面对大陆来的朋友.
  • 祝笙:所以你们也是非常欢迎凡是在湾区的华人职业女性朋友都加入你们这个"硅谷女性"组织的.
  • 余雪:对对对,我们非常欢迎来自各个地区的女性朋友都来加入我们这个组织.
  • 祝笙:那么你们平时主要举办一些什么活动呢?听到这是个女性团体,就不免想到象"红娘"之类的组织(笑).
  • 余雪:(笑)首先我必须要澄清一下,这是一个非常大的误会.我已经不止一次听到这个疑问.许多人听到我们的名字还以为我们是个象Single Club一样的社交团体,这是完全错误的.还是让我来介绍一下我们举办的是些什么活动吧.
  • 祝笙:好.
  • 余雪:一般来说我们的活动都是跟女性有关的.首先我们成立了一些兴趣小组,比如说读书俱乐部和烹调兴趣小组.读书俱乐部每个月都会有一个"读书会"活动.在每个月的最后一个星期日.主要是讨论一些大家喜欢的作家的作品.在每个读书会结束以前,她们都会决定下个月读书会讨论的主题和作家的作品,这样就一直继续下去.还有一些女性朋友比较喜欢烹调.我们有一个烹调兴趣小组不定期地聚会.比方说大家各自带一样自己比较得意的甜点啊,菜啊,来跟其他也对烹调有兴趣的朋友分享烹调经验.我觉得这都是非常好的互相交流的机会,也是一个业余爱好.另外我们还会定期举办一些户外活动.必如登山,郊游,野餐之类的.上个月我们在Sunnyvalle 的一个公园举办的一次户外野餐活动就吸引了100多位来宾.
  • 祝笙:请问这一百多人全是女生吗?
  • 余雪:不是.这也是要澄清的一点.(笑)
  • 祝笙:那就是说女性的另外一半也可以带来.
  • 余雪:对,非常欢迎他们来.而且他们也可以是我们的成员.我们很欢迎的.
  • 祝笙:噢,是这样.
  • 余雪:对,这就是我要澄清的一点.虽然我们是女性组织,但是我们也欢迎非女性成员,或者说女性成员的家属,朋友,来参加我们的活动.
  • 祝笙:你们举办了这么多活动,一般来说活动大多会涉及到年龄层次的分配.那么你们的活动主要是针对哪个年龄层次的女性呢?
  • 余雪:嗯,从我们的成员的年龄层分布来看,基本上是介于25-45岁之间.但是我要再强调一下,她们的父母,朋友,家属都可以来参加我们的活动.我们都很欢迎.
  • 祝笙:我觉得很有趣.听到余雪刚才介绍说她们硅谷女性有不同的兴趣小组活动,让我想到有另外一个组织,是叫"中华资讯网"吧,他们有一个小组叫"”Woman in Business”我每次都会收到她们的一些活动简报,很长的名字,叫"中华资讯网职业女性特殊兴趣小组",我觉得非常有趣.
  • 余雪:听上去是蛮有意思的.
  • 祝笙:对,在湾区,你们和她们一样,希望能把我们这些在硅谷奋斗的一些职业女性,华人女性,把她们挑出来,为大家举办一些活动,比如说一些有益的讲座活动,能够让更多的女强人,或者说在职场上拼杀的女性集中在一起,分享各自的经验.
  • 余雪:是的,这是我们的目的.除了我刚刚提到的兴趣小组,户外活动以外,我们也举办各种讲座活动.这些讲座主题当然都跟女性有关,不一而足,诸如文化,艺术,健康,美容,家政这些女性朋友都比较感兴趣的话题.另外,我们还跟湾区的其他华人团体合作举办一些比较大型的公益活动和娱乐活动.比如去年的中秋节,我们就和其他许多华人团体一起在Great America游乐场举办了一个很大的游园活动,丰富华人社区的业余生活.再比如下个月北加州的华人体育协会要主办一个华人运动会,我们也会组织运动队代表硅谷女性参加这个活动.我们正在招收运动员,如乒乓球,网球运动员等,代表我们参加这个运动会.所以说我们的活动内容是十分丰富多彩的.
  • 祝笙:非常好.听众朋友如果您现在正在电脑旁,或者等会儿可以上网的话,不妨上"硅谷女性"的网站去看看.她们的网址是: {{a href=”http://www.svwomen.org”}}http://www.svwomen.org{{/a}}
  • 余雪:对,全都是会员自己写的."我们书房"只是"硅谷女性"网站主题的一个部分.给我们喜欢写作的朋友提供一个发表她们的作品的园地.她们只要写了,投稿给我们了,我们就给她们在我们的网站上刊登出来.
  • 祝笙:是,非常好.而且你们这个文章刊登后旁边还有一个讨论区,可以让读者,网友对这篇文章发表意见评论,我觉得真是不错.还可以聊一聊.比如有网友在上面说北京有什么其他地方可以玩的,什么地方又变了.我觉得大家真的可以借着这个网站互相交流.不过,我想你们是非牟利机构吧,这网站的设计,还有你们活动的经费是从哪里来的呢?是从你们职业女性的收入来吗?(笑)
  • 余雪:(笑)我们"硅谷女性"所有的工作人员都是义务工作,没有任何报酬的.
  • 祝笙:有时可能还要贴钱对吧?(笑)
  • 余雪:(笑),是的,曾经是这样.不过现在我们通过举办一些活动,会有很少的一些收入.所以我们现在也在寻找愿意支持"硅谷女性"的赞助团体和个人来支持我们举办更多,更有意义的活动.
  • 祝笙:所以说除了你们希望有一些Sponsor外,主要还是通过自己筹款来举办活动.
  • 余雪:对.
  • 祝笙:我们稍呆会儿再来跟我们的听众朋友介绍一下"硅谷女性"这个团体在今年母亲节前后举办的一个"母亲节征文"活动.是跟美国的华文艺术界协会,还有其他一些社团合办的活动.好,我们呆会儿再继续回到节目当中.余雪,我特别为了今天的这个访问主题挑了一首歌"姐姐妹妹站起来"
  • 余雪:谢谢.我也喜欢这首歌.
  • (广告时间)
  • 祝笙:欢迎您回到"谈笑风生".我是祝笙,是在每个礼拜一到礼拜五的下午为您播出这个节目.在今天的下半段节目中,我们为您请到的是"硅谷女性"协会的余雪小姐来到我们节目当中,为我们介绍这个协会.听众朋友可以上她们的网站看看:http://www.svwomen.org 是非常漂亮的一个绿色的,非常清雅的一个网站.我想请问一下余雪,很好奇地问,你们"硅谷女性"每次举办活动的时候,都是象您这样穿得这么的正式和漂亮吗?(笑)
  • 余雪:(笑)没有啊.
  • 祝笙:我想说自从我来到电台上班后,每天都穿牛仔裤上班.(笑)
  • 余雪:(笑)我们举办活动的时候要看是什么样的活动.比如说户外野餐的时候,就不可能穿得西装革履的,应该是很casual的.
  • 祝笙:是.希望更多的湾区女性朋友们能够了解你们这个协会,来参加你们的活动.接下来要为大家介绍的是,在五月份,也就是母亲节前后,硅谷女性会举办一个"母亲节征文"活动,到五月三十日截止征文收件时间,你们这个征文活动对字数,体裁有什么限制?
  • 余雪:首先让我来简单地说一下,为什么我们要举办这个"母亲节征文"活动"."母亲节"自然是以母亲为主题的,是跟女性非常紧密相关的.另外"硅谷女性"要让大家知道,我们并不仅仅是一个职业女性.我觉得一个成功的职业女性跟一个母亲,或者说一个很好的housewife,并不矛盾.我们要歌颂母亲,赞美母亲,同时肯定女性价值,我们提倡传统的家庭价值观念,我们职业女性并不是只工作,没有其他生活的.这就是为什么我们要举办这么一个征文活动的动机.我们的征文活动得到许多协办单位的支持.我们感到非常荣幸.比如我们得到美国华文艺术界协会的大力支持.他们中的许多著名作家,比如黄运基,还有著名女作家吴玲瑶,喻丽清等都愿意当我们这个征文活动的评委.同时我们也得到北美最大的一个中文网站"文学城"网站的协作.另外还有"文心社",是美国东部的一个中国文学社团组织,他们也愿意让他们的成员来参与我们这个活动,给我们投稿,以及帮助我们的初评工作等.征文要求很简单,只要是跟母亲有关的文章,字数在三千字以内,体裁以散文为主.我们鼓励大家都来投稿. 我个人觉得,写有关母亲的文章并不一定要是作家,也不一定要文笔很好才可以写,因为那是发自内心的感情.只要写了,就一定能够感动人.
  • 祝笙:对. 那么所有的投稿一定是要以前没有发表过的文章,是吗?
  • 余雪:对.一定是要以前没有在传统媒体发表过的作品.
  • 祝笙:那要如何投稿呢?
  • 余雪:投稿的方法,请大家上我们的网站看看,上面有非常详细的征文启事.可以通过E-mail把稿件寄到我们的E-mail信箱:报svwomen@yahoo.com.如果没有E-MAIL的朋友,也可以通过邮寄的方法把征文邮寄给我们.我们的征文启事上有详细的邮寄地址.
  • 祝笙:听众朋友可以上网看一下.她们的网址是: {{a href=”http://www.svwomen.org”}}http://www.svwomen.org{{/a}} 这是这个母亲节征文活动的网站,上面有非常丰富详细的资料.如何投稿,参加办法以及征文的时间等等. 那么你们有没有奖金呢?
  • 余雪:我想说明的是,奖金只是一种形式,但不是我们这个征文活动的重点.我们这次活动重在参与,当然也有奖金,一等奖100美元,二等奖50美元,三等奖25美元,获奖作品都会刊登在传统中文媒体上,如北美的<美华文学>杂志,<侨报>副刊等.另外获奖作者还会获得颁奖证书以及著名作家签名赠书等.我想强调的是,我们鼓励重在参与,并不想以高奖金来吸引作者的投稿.
  • 祝笙:其实我觉得可以借着这个机会抒发一下对自己母亲的感情,并把它写出来,并不是说一定要得奖,写完后即使没获奖也可以把它寄给妈妈看看, 也不错啊.
  • 余雪:对.可以把征文当作母亲节的礼物送给母亲, 我想母亲们收到这样的礼物一定会很高兴的.
  • 祝笙:是,非常希望湾区的朋友多多参与.那么这写文章的作者不一定都要是女性写的对不对?男生也可以投稿的.
  • 余雪:(笑)那当然了,男同胞也可以投稿.
  • 祝笙:那好,希望男生也来投稿.请大家上”硅谷女性”的网站看看: {{a href=”http://www.svwomen.org”}}http://www.svwomen.org{{/a}} 可以非常详细地了解”母亲节”征文活动的详情. 谢谢”硅谷女性”的余雪来到节目当中.我们希望更多的女性朋友来加入”硅谷女性”协会, 一起来分享生活当中的点点滴滴.谢谢余雪, 谢谢.
  • 余雪:谢谢祝笙,谢谢各位听众朋友.
  • 祝笙:最后收听的这首歌是林忆莲的”走在大街的女子”.”谈笑风生”明天见.

SVWomen Hiking Event: Edgewood Park & Natural Preserve

  • Let’s have some fun outdoors and stretch our legs!!
  • WHAT: Hiking at Edgewood Park & Natural Preserve
  • WHEN: Saturday 5/10/2003 11:00 AM
  • RSVP: Please RSVP on evite: http://www.evite.com/svwomen@yahoo.com/hiking_edgewood
    E-mail to jadez20032 for any questions. Cancel if rains. COST: No Parking fee.

DESCRIPTION: The serpentine grasslands of Edgewood Park and Natural Preserve are famous for their magnificent displays of wildflowers each spring. The park’s location, within easy access to Interstate 280 and Edgewood Road, makes this beautiful display readily accessible to the population centers of the San Francisco Peninsula. The Park’s 467 acres of woodlands and grasslands afford wonderful hiking and sightseeing opportunities.

CAR POOL: Parking is very limited at the park. Hence we encourage car pool.

Meet at 10:30 AM in the parking lot of Palo Alto Bowl (Please park in the parking lot at the back of the building, and not in the front parking lot which belongs to a restaurant). Palo Alto Bowl is located at 4329 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Please look for SVWOMEN Banner. A detail trail map can be found at: http://www.eparks.net/Parks/Edgewood/ PLEASE BRING: Water, lunch/snacks, camera, and sneakers/hiking shoes, raincoat.

2003-05-11 硅谷女性积极参与抗非点活动

齐心协力抗非典, 爱心真情处处有


母亲节的周末, 硅谷女性的义务工作人员及各大团体在CUPERTINO的纪念公园里宣传这个活动,当日就簧得一千多美元的捐款, 破了当日团体筹款的最高数目。 截至五月十二日为止,收到的各团体及个人捐款已经将近三万美元. 经采购组辛勤的努力,已购得N95型医用口罩超过一万只和六千套无纺布隔离服。 第二批口罩和隔离服已于五月九日由旧金山总领馆委托中国国际航空公司直接运往中国北京,送交北京市民政局和北京市防SARS工作小组,由他们及时分发给抗SARS第一线的医院和部门。在短短的十二天里,已达到了“万只口罩送祖国” 的目标。

中国的疫情牵动了千万人的心,硅谷女性以及参与此活动的团体将密切关注疫情的动态,继续采购所需的医用物资运往祖国。 活动的组织者们最大的愿望就是让湾区更多的团体和个人参加这次活动,有钱出钱,有力出力,力求为中国的抗SARS尽自己的一份力量. 活动将继续进行到六月底。

欢迎硅谷女性朋友也踊跃参加! 有意捐款的朋友,请将捐款支票

支票抬头: SARS Mask to China Donation 
邮寄到以下地址: SARS Mask To China Donation,
19486 Via Real Dr., Saratoga, CA 95070
支票Memo处注明: SVwomen Friend 或 硅谷女性

如有任何与捐款有关的问题,请与下列联系人联系: 陈先生 510-656-3879; 张女士 925-656-3879;朱小姐 408-725-8778.

谢谢你的参与! 物资的分发和使用情况将会陆续跟踪报道。
请关注硅谷女性在活动天地的报道:Fight SARS Together — Send Masks with Love to China

2003-05-31 -“硅谷女性”,华艺剧社联合举办话剧名剧欣赏及时装表演获得圆满成功!



活动开始时,由华艺剧社社长张小春和”硅谷女性”的创办人及负责人之一的余雪向观众们致欢迎词.她们并各自简单介绍了两个组织的情况.华艺剧社是活跃于湾区二十多年的非牟利团体.他们以高水准的戏剧表演艺术,弘扬中华文化,丰富湾区华人的文化生活.给当地的戏剧爱好者提供了一个展现艺术才华与显示人生风采的机会. “硅谷女性”是一个立足于湾区,以在硅谷生活和工作的华人职业女性为主要成员的非赢利团体.目前共有成员四百五十多名. “硅谷女性”为硅谷地区的女性朋友提供了一个彼此交流,彼此分享各自人生经验和生活感受,共同成长的空间.她们定期举办各项公益活动,文化活动和户外活动,丰富湾区华人社区的业余生活.




2003 05 “母亲节”征文启事

主办单位: “硅谷女性”协会 – www.svwomen.org
协办单位: 美国华文文艺界协会,《侨报》, “文学城”网站 ,“文心社”





征文收件时间: 2003年4月15日~5月30日


或邮寄至: Ms. Liu / Silicon Valley Women
P O Box 361884 Milpitas, CA 96036

2、请参赛作者附真实姓名及联系方式,以便联络。 每位作者只能有一篇征文获奖。

3、所有稿件将在“硅谷女性”网站设立的“母亲节征文”网页上刊登: http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewforum.php?id=8


欢迎各团体、个人慷慨赞助。有意者请寄 E-mail 至:yuxue_2001@yahoo.com

2.电子媒体如转载征文,请征得作者同意后转载时请注明:硅谷女性“母亲节征文”并给出以下 link: http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewforum.php?id=8

2003-05 母亲节征文获奖作品及作者名单

2003-05-30 硅谷女性母亲节征文活动进入评选阶段

感谢各位朋友对硅谷女性母亲节征文活动的热情支持.至五月三十日征文截稿日期止,我们共收到各位作者的征文来稿114篇.每篇征文作品都让我们感动.征文作者当中,有刚上大学一年级的新生,也有享有盛名的作家和著名中文刊物的副总编辑.所有的征文来稿都刊登在硅谷女性的“母亲节征文”网站上: http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewforum.php?id=8, 欢迎阅读评论.




2003-05-31 感谢各位作者及评委对硅谷女性母亲节征文活动的支持.经过一个多月来的评选工作,母亲节征文获奖名单终于出炉了!


你的故事 ─ 作者: BLIND
{{a href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=5}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=5{{/a}}

母亲的真爱毛衣 ─ 作者: 苏北乃禾
{{A href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=95}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=95{{/A}}

母爱,原来是一个美丽的谎言 ─ 作者: 梁青岭
{{A href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=67}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=67{{/a}}

血雨 ─ 作者: 曾宁
{{A href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=29}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=29{{/a}}

拥抱 ─ 作者: 烟然
{{a href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=99}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=99{{/a}}

母亲的乳汁 ─ 作者: 司欣
{{a href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=62}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=62{{/a}}

“我一点也不喜欢我妈” ─ 作者: 李捷
{{a href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=36}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=8&t_id=36{{/a}}

我们将在一个月之内给获奖作者寄上我们的奖金,奖品及颁奖证书. 获奖作品将刊登在<侨 报>及北美<美华文学>杂志上.

刊物的副总编辑. 作者来自世界各地,包括中国,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,德国,罗马尼亚等各
{{a href=http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewforum.php?id=8}}http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewforum.php?id=8{{/a}},

优秀作品,再由北美著名华文作家组成的终评评委评选出最后的获奖作品. 以下是评委名单:








2003-06-07 PingPong: SVWomen athletes participating NCCAF

Dear Members,

As you know we have a team of Pingpong players participating
in the NCCAF (Northern California Chinese Athletic Federation) competition.

The SVWomen team: Iris, Alice, Elisa, Alex, Kai, Jason

Date and Place:

2003/6/7 (sunday) 8:00AM – 7:00PM

4000 MiddleField Road, GYM #B
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4739

Our players will all enter the singles game. Just checked with NCCAF, on Saturday they will have doubles and groups first then singles. So most likely our players will play in the afternoon. They won’t have the official detailed play time until Friday. I will check back with them. If you are interested in cheering for our dear pingpong team, please email me at lan_dian@yahoo.com to leave your email address in order to receive notice. Otherwise just go there and look for SVWomen Banner.

More info:


Badminton: SVWomen athletes participating NCCAF Sunday 06/22

Dear members,

SVWomen will participate in the NCCAF Badminton Open, which takes place this weekend. Our athletes are Yong Wang and Tien Pham and they will compete in the doubles category.

Date: Sunday 06/22, 8:30am – 7pm
Place: San Jose State University (main Gym SPX 44 A-B)
One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192

The category we participate will start at 8:30am. Please come watch the game and support our athletes. Otherwise, just go there and look for the SVWomen banner.

Direction and campus map can be found on http://www.racketsupply.com/nccaf.htm

Please also refer to the discussion on our BBS for details: http://www.svwomen.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=6&t_id=49

Hope to see you there.
