2006/02 “硅谷女性” 顾问团名单:
名誉顾问: 刘幸诚(Sean Liou):前白宫总统亚太裔顾问委员会委员 (Former Commissioner, President Bush’s advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders)现任加州政府劳工投资委员会委员(Board Member, Workforce Investment Board, State of California) 方李邦琴(Florence Fang) :美国泛亚公司董事长,著名华人企业家和社会活动家 。美国著名传媒大亨。Publisher of “Asian Week” (亚洲人周刊), “Indepenent” (独立报报系) 。 Former Publisher of “San Francisco Examiner” (观察家报) 顾问: 于静江:艺术/活动顾问星桥艺术中心总裁, President, Starbridge Art, Inc. 李兆阳 (Paul Li):法律顾问Ph. D, Attorney at Law, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. |
2006 Silicon Valley Women board of directors and executive team
Dear Silicon Valley Women members:
We are happy to announce the 2006 Silicon Valley Women board of directors and executive team members.
The election of board of directors and executives for 2006 Silicon Valley Women Association was held on 2/4/06, at the Main Street Cafeteria & Books in Los Altos.
The following members are elected as 2006 SVWA board of directors:
Sharon Yu
Olivia Liu
Leigh Shi
Jennifer Huang
Yifan Chen
Sharon Yu was appointed to be the Chairwomen of Board of Directors for 2006 term.
The president position is vacant at this moment pending on the availability of the qualified candidate. The BOD will take lead for the upcoming activities until a qualified candidate is taking the president position.
Following is the list of executive team members:
Secretary General – Xiaofeng Zhang
Treasure – Huimin Shao
Cultural/Art activities – Heidi Zhou, Ci Zhang
Social Activities – Lina Shuai
Professional Development – Xiaofeng Zhang
Charity/Community Service – Michelle Ma
Public Relation/Marketing – Xiaofeng Zhang, Connie Liu, Michelle Lee
Sponsorship – Renee Yu, Lan Li
Membership – Huimin Shao
Web/IT development – Jeff Zhong, Michelle Lee, Jean Zhang
Thank you for being part of Silicon Valley Women Association. We are looking forward to serving you in the coming year.
Sharon Yu
Chairwomen of BOD
Silicon Valley Women Association