This is the SVWA Second Annual Young Achievers Contest
This year, we are going to have a “LoveBeyondBorder” Greeting Card Design Contest
”大爱“暖心卡设计大赛 (硅谷女性“大爱无疆界”听障助学基金)
Sponsor: Silicon Valley Women Alliance (
- Cupertino High School Chapter of National Chinese Honor Society,
- Cupertino High School Chinese Culture Club,
- Fremont High School Chapter of National Chinese Honor Society
Supporting orgs:
- Florence Art Studio (1669 S Main St, Milpitas, CA 95035)
You can choose to work individually or in pairs to design a colored greeting card for a special group of students in China. These students are hearing and speech impaired (聋哑儿童/聾啞兒童: lóngyǎ értóng) so the words on your greeting card will definitely send positive energy to them.
On your card, please make sure to include the following:
- 2-3 words or sentences with an encouraging and loving message in Chinese
- A strong slogan
- Color images with Chinese cultural elements (You can also consider using traditional Chinese art forms such as tangrams, paper cutting/pop outs, etc. in your design)
- (a BIG plus) Chinese sign language
Due date: May 28, 2022
How to submit: Google Form (
You will be asked to submit your card design via a Google Form. Please make sure to follow the instructions:
- Take a picture of the FRONT side of your card.
- Take a picture of the BACK side of your card.
- Open a Google Doc and insert BOTH pictures into the doc.
- Type your NAME and Email address (if you have FUHSD please use that one) on the top of the doc.
- If you have a partner, type the name and email address of your partner on the top of the doc as well.
- Name your Google doc in this format: (your school)_(your first name)_(your last name)
e.g.: If you are a student from Cupertino High School and your name is Jackie Chan, you will name your Google doc as “CHS_Jackie_Chan”.
VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure to change the setting to allow everyone to view.
There will be a total of 10 winners.
- First prize (1): $100.00 gift card (per entry)
- Second prize (2): $40.00 gift card (per entry)
- Third prize (7): $10.00 gift card (per entry)
Other Option:
We recommend that you generously donate your winnings to Love Beyond Borders under Silicon Valley Women Alliance. It will be greatly appreciated, especially during the Chinese New Year holidays.
Contest Evaluation Criteria:
- Originality: Several of the graphics used on the poster reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display.
- Writing: There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information. Ideas were expressed in a clear and organized fashion.
- Design: The greeting card is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Graphics go well with the text, and there is a good mix of text and graphics.