更多嘉宾!2023年IEEE中国智慧乡村论坛 | 智慧乡村 绿色低碳
ISVC ISVC智慧乡村 2023-09-14 23:38
2023年IEEE中国智慧乡村论坛将于10月15日至16日在山西太原举办, 此次会议的主题是“绿色低碳与智慧乡村”,聚焦农村及贫困地区的绿色可持续发展。本次论坛将邀请国内外著名院士专家与行业领袖做主题报告, 并邀请了50余位各国有关行业的专家、教授、企业家、社会组织,一起探讨中国特色智慧乡村,绿色低碳和能源发展。如何实现能源转型,用先进技术帮助全球贫穷地区能使用廉价和清洁的能源,提高能效,促进绿色可持续发展。
预告: 2023年IEEE中国智慧乡村论坛将于北京时间10月15日举办
2023 IEEE Smart Village Forum for China will be held on October 15th, Beijing time.
2023 IEEE 中国智慧乡村论坛 2023 IEEE Smart Village Forum for China
智慧乡村 绿色低碳 Smart Village Green and Low-Carbon
2023年IEEE中国智慧乡村论坛将于10月15日至16日在山西太原举办, 此次会议的主题是“绿色低碳与智慧乡村”,聚焦农村及贫困地区的绿色可持续发展。本次论坛将邀请国内外著名院士专家与行业领袖做主题报告, 并邀请了50余位各国有关行业的专家、教授、企业家、社会组织,一起探讨中国特色智慧乡村,绿色低碳和能源发展。如何实现能源转型,用先进技术帮助全球贫穷地区能使用廉价和清洁的能源,提高能效,促进绿色可持续发展。The 2023 IEEE Smart Village Forum for China, with the theme of ” Green Low-Carbon and Smart Village,” will be in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province on October 15th-16th. The forum aims to focus on green and sustainable development in rural and impoverished areas. Distinguished domestic and international academicians, experts, and industry leaders will be invited to deliver keynote speeches. More than 50 experts, professors, entrepreneurs, and social organizations from various countries related to the industry will also be invited to explore China’s unique smart village initiatives, green and low-carbon practices, and energy development. The forum will discuss topics such as achieving energy transition, using advanced technology to assist poverty-stricken regions globally in accessing affordable and clean energy, improving energy efficiency, and promoting green and sustainable development.
- 地点形式Venue and Format:
- 地点:中国 山西省,太原市,小店区东融街,山西省能源互联网研究院
- Venue :Shanxi Energy Internet Research Institute, Dongrong Street, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China
- 形式:大部分嘉宾线下参加,其余发言人和与会者将通过线上方式参与。
- Format:Most of the guests will participate in site, while the remaining speakers and participants will join online.
Background Introduction
IEEE 智慧乡村委员会中国工作组(ISV-CWG),为ISV全球五大区域工作组之一,由电力能源及科技教育领域的专家学者、教师和学生、企业家和社会工作者组成,以能源+教育+创业“三驾马车”拉动智慧乡村建设,通过国际合作的平台,帮助中国贫穷地区能使用廉价和清洁的能源,推动乡村“智慧-绿色-低碳”发展。ISV-CWG已经组建了多个乡村振兴志愿者团队与学生分会,协助中国企业与国际组织合作,通过资金支持和技术指导,提供乡村社区赋能的系统解决方案,推进智慧乡村项目在中国落地。
IEEE Smart Village (ISV) is dedicated to three pillars: smart energy/technology, STEM education, and enterprise development. Through sustainable impact investments in international collaborative projects, ISV works to support rural revitalization. The goal of ISV is to expand its initiatives to Africa, India, South America, and Asia by 2025, aiming to benefit a population of 50 million people.
IEEE Smart Village – China Working Group(ISV-CWG)is one of ISV five regional working groups, comprised of experts, scholars, teachers, students, engineers, entrepreneurs, and social workers in the fields of electrical engineering and new energy.
目前,ISV资助的第一个中国区示范项目“达成能源农村地区光伏供电-取暖示范项目”在山西长治落地建设。该项目由超级电容器及储能技术专家李灵宏博士指导,已经被列入2023年太原低碳能源论坛-智慧乡村与农村能源革命分论坛会议内容,届时参加会议的国际/国内专家将赴长治项目现场考察交流,该项目采用的各项清洁供电取暖技术和产品将借此机会向全球宣传推介。Energy plays a paramount role in the strategic revitalization of rural areas in China. As a prominent energy province, Shanxi continuously engages in proactive exploration and practical implementation of environmentally friendly transformations in rural energy. By establishing an agricultural energy internet (AEI) and fostering the development of rural energy projects, it actively contributes to the achievement of the dual carbon objectives while expediting the modernization of agriculture.
Presently, the first demonstration project in China sponsored by ISV, “Dacheng Energy PV Heating Demonstration Project in Rural Areas,” is being implemented in Changzhi, Shanxi Province. Dr. Linghong Li, an expert in supercapacitors and energy storage technology, will be presented this project at the 2023 Taiyuan “IEEE Smart Village for China”. At the Changzhi project site, various PV power and clean heating technologies and products, will take this opportunity to show for the global audience.
会议组织Conference Organization
【联合主办单位Organized by】
IEEE Inc. Beijing Representative OfficeIEEE智慧乡村委员会中国工作组IEEE Smart Village – China Working Group (ISV-CWG)
太原理工大学Taiyuan University of Technology
山西省能源互联网研究院Shanxi Energy Internet Research Institute
China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, CBCGDF
【协办与支持单位Co-Hosts and Supporters】
- IEEE Smart Village Committee (ISV) IEEE智慧乡村委员会
- IEEE PES China Chapter Council (PCCC) IEEE PES中国专业分会联合会中国能源研究会能源产业品牌研究与发展分会
- Beijing Taoneng Consulting Co., Ltd. 北京韬能咨询顾问有限公司
- Shanxi Key Laboratory of Power System Operation and Control 电力系统运行与控制山西省重点实验室
- Tsinghua University 清华大学
- Chongqing University 重庆大学
- North China Electric Power University 华北电力大学
- Wuhan University 武汉大学
- Beijing Jiaotong University 北京交通大学
- Fudan University 复旦大学
- Sichuan University 四川大学
- Northeastern Electric Power University 东北电力大学
- China Agricultural University 中国农业大学
- Global Green Development Alliance 全球绿色发展联盟
- Silicon Valley Women Association 硅谷女性协会
- Shanxi Xiaohe Industrial Finance Research Institute山西潇河产业金融研究院