2023-11-18 Fall Ball – and fundraising event
Quinland Community Center 11/18/2023 (Sat) 6-8pm performance 8-10:30 Ballroom dance ticket: 15 for dance or performance and 20 for both, profits will go to ganshu project
Quinland Community Center 11/18/2023 (Sat) 6-8pm performance 8-10:30 Ballroom dance ticket: 15 for dance or performance and 20 for both, profits will go to ganshu project
周六(3/11)三月份浪漫舞会;将开启“摩登舞专题时段”,有多位湾区摩登舞高手面授机宜,分享经验,传授秘诀,还有国标舞大赛获奖者教课,带领大家共同起舞,专业老师表演华尔兹,狐步舞。让我们身着靓丽衣衫一起来这浪漫的二月舞会,也共同庆祝情人节!时间:3/11/2023(星期六)7pm地点:625 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA需留早鸟票者请私微
周六(2/11)举办国标俱乐部二月份浪漫舞会;将开启“摩登舞专题时段”,有多位湾区摩登舞高手面授机宜,分享经验,传授秘诀,还有国标舞大赛获奖者教课,带领大家共同起舞,专业老师表演华尔兹,狐步舞。让我们身着靓丽衣衫一起来这浪漫的二月舞会,也共同庆祝情人节!时间:2/11/2023(星期六)7pm地点:625 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA需留早鸟票者请私微