Youth Group

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Activities Submission Form
Volunteer Hours Submission FORM


Founded in 2017, it is a division of women in Silicon Valley, consisting of local teenagers in the United States

Give play to the youth's expertise, cultivate leadership, teamwork spirit, serve the society, help others' charitable spirit, develop an international vision, etc., encourage youth to take the initiative to plan, organize and participate in various activities of the Youth Group.




发挥青少年专长,培养领导力,团队合作精神, 服务社会,帮助他人的公益精神,开拓国际化的视野等,鼓励青少年主动策划组织参与青年部的各项活动。

Various activities

1. Activities that serve the local community
2. Participate in the activities of women in Silicon Valley, and participate in activities on behalf of women in Silicon Valley
3. Growth opportunities - internships, volunteer activities

1. Two meetings a year are required to submit work summary and discuss future work plans. The volunteer work form is confirmed and signed by the relevant SVWA leaders. Members may apply for the President's Award and provide letters of recommendation.

2. Members must have enthusiasm for social welfare, be reliable and responsible, and be able to complete the assigned work independently, or cooperate with other members or adult volunteers. In all activities, we must obey the law, respect others, be humble and honest, and work hard.


1. 为当地社区服务的活动
2. 参与硅谷女性的活动, 代表硅谷女性参与活动
3. 成长机会-internships, volunteer activities


1. 每一年需开2次会,提交工作总结,对未来工作计划进行讨论。义工工作表格时间确认,并交由相关硅谷女性负责人签字。可以由成员申请总统奖及提供推荐信。


organizational structure:
Youth Group set up groups and Adult Volunteers serve as counsellors to help.





Group President: leads the executive team, sets future goals, presides over ceremonies and votes on major decisions

Secretary: Responsible for coordinating and arranging meeting time, informing everyone, making meeting minutes, and issuing meeting minutes

Focus Area Department:  Plans, organizes and executes activities - there can be many different sub-projects

项目部门:策划,组织和执行各项活动 - 可以有多个不同子项目

  • Book Club
  • DTE-SVWA Little Classes (Speech Debate, Vocabulary, Story of Science etc)
  • 欣欣合作活动  (Activities collaborating with Xinxin Charity Project)
  • 小小手语队 (need to check with Yilan/Lisa)
  • Intern positions
  • DTE-SVWA 小小故事会 (Little Family Story Time)
  • Others
Technical department: Provide technical support in various activities, establish and maintain websites, and update website content in time

Publicity Department: Responsible for project forecast, text and picture reports on progress and achievements, and provide them to various channels

Public Relations Cooperation Department: Assist the project department, responsible for contacting other institutions, schools, media, communication and cooperation, etc.

Volunteer Recruiting Department: Responsible for recruiting new members, providing induction training, establishing files, assisting various departments in arranging work, helping to collect and organize volunteer work forms and applications for the President's Award

Finance Department: Responsible for Finance

Note: Each department can have two main volunteers and one adult consultant, and can have unlimited volunteer members.





财务部门: 负责财务

标注: 每个部门都可以有正副两位主要义工一位成人顾问, 并可以有若干义工成员, 多多易善