By William, Aiden
According to sanjosespotlight, San Jose has the 4th highest homeless population in the US in 2024. Surprisingly, a significant proportion of the homeless population consists of women. We want to try our best to help those in need. Leaders of non-profit local homeless organizations have provided us with a list of essential items needed.
January 29, 2025, marks the Lunar New Year. As the Lunar New Year approaches, we are launching an initiative to support local homeless individuals and share festive blessings. As part of this New Year initiative, we will be collecting these supplies while also bringing some festive foods to share with them. Everyone is welcome to participate and/or share suggestions. Any donation/contribution, big or small, is appreciated!
新年之际开启一个协助本地无家可归者新春送祝福的活动, 欢迎大家参与及建议!
1/29/2025 是农历新年。 我很惊讶无家可归者中女性比例不小。 无家可归民间团体的负责人有给我们一些所需物品清单。 我们这个贺新年活动 在收集这些物品同时也可以同时带上些新春食品给他们。 或多或少,都可以。

Image 1: K has been a community volunteer for many years. She collects various food and supplies three days a week and distributes them to several homeless campsites in San Jose. She knows each person along with their situation and needs.
Image 2: There are also quite a few homeless women.
Image 3: The car drives by, honks a few times, and then stops by the roadside. They come out one by one.Images 4-6: The first to appear are the dogs, joyfully running and wagging their tails. Almost every homeless person has one or more dogs as companions. They are also the women’s protectors.